Using pop-ups on the website or e-commerce store

Sandra Roosna
Askly CEO & Founder
The faulty configuration of pop-ups is one of the most common errors. There are already plenty of circumstances on websites or e-stores that new customers find misleading and insufficient. Take a moment and let's set up at least the pop-ups correctly.
The three most common pop-ups are:
- Accept cookies
- Sign up for the newsletter
- Chat with us
If you want your website or e-shop to be more customer-friendly, follow these suggestions:
Rule #1:
The only pop-up that should welcome any new customer is “Accept Cookies” No other pop-up should be timed in the first 10 seconds.
Rule #2:
For a chat pop-up or self-opening chat, it's better to choose a smaller CTA next to the chat icon, so that it won't disturb the product page view. The chat pop-up could be timed 10-30 seconds after the guest arrives.
Rule #3:
Subscribing to a newsletter or mailing list could be timed for first-time visitors 40-60 seconds later. If you are afraid that a customer will not stay on your page for that long, then most likely their interest in the product or service will not be enough to subscribe to the newsletter. On the contrary, there is a risk that an unpleasant user experience and annoying pop-ups will further shorten the visitor's stay on your page.
To ensure a better user experience, it is recommended that subscribing to a newsletter is not resolved as a pop-up. Read a case study showing a 46% increase in the number of mailing list subscribers through better CTA placement.
If your website still has the fourth pop-up, try to put yourself in the role of a visitor and feel where it would be wise to schedule it.