Creating a multilingual website with WordPress is an excellent way to reach a global audience and expand your online presence. In this guide, we'll explore various methods to set up a multi-language website using WordPress, from simple solutions to more advanced options.

Why Create a Multilingual Website?

Before diving into the how-to, let's briefly discuss the benefits of a multilingual website:

  • Expand your reach to international audiences: A multilingual website allows you to connect with potential customers and readers from around the world, transcending language barriers and broadening your audience base.
  • Improve user experience for non-native speakers: By offering content in multiple languages, you enhance the user experience for non-native speakers, making it easier for them to navigate and understand your site.
  • Boost your SEO efforts across multiple languages: Multilingual sites can rank higher in search engines for various languages, allowing you to capture search traffic from different linguistic groups and drive more organic traffic.
  • Increase credibility and trust with local markets: Catering to users in their native language fosters trust and shows that you are committed to meeting the needs of diverse markets, increasing your brand's credibility and loyalty.

Methods to Create a Multilingual WordPress Site

1. One Site, One Post Method

This simple approach involves creating a single post or page with content in multiple languages.

  1. Create a new post or page: Start by drafting your content in one of the languages you intend to offer.
  2. Write the content in your primary language: Begin with your primary language to establish a base for translation.
  3. Add a horizontal line or separator: This visual break helps users distinguish between different language sections.
  4. Write the same content in the second language: Translate your content manually (or use translation services) and add it under the separator.
  5. Add language indicators (e.g., [EN], [ES]) at the beginning of each section: Clearly label each language version to avoid confusion.
  6. Use page jumps to allow readers to skip to their preferred language: Implement HTML anchor links for smooth navigation to specific language segments.
  • Simple to implement: You don't need additional tools or plugins, making it quick and straightforward.
  • No plugins required: This method keeps your site lightweight without the need for additional software.
  • Works well for sites with limited content: Ideal for small blogs or landing pages with minimal content.
  • Can be cumbersome for readers: The format can be overwhelming, especially if multiple languages are presented on a single page.
  • Not ideal for SEO: Mixed-language content on one page can confuse search engines and dilute SEO efforts.
  • Difficult to manage for large websites: As content grows, maintaining organization and readability becomes challenging.

2. One Site, Multiple Posts Method

This method involves creating separate posts or pages for each language version of your content.

  1. Create categories for each language (e.g., "English," "Spanish"): Organize your site's content by language-specific categories.
  2. Write a post in your primary language and assign it to the appropriate category: Start with the primary language post and categorize it accordingly.
  3. Create a new post with the same content in the second language, assigning it to the corresponding category: Translate the content to the second language and categorize it under the new language.
  4. Add links between the language versions of each post: Cross-link posts to guide users to their language preference.
  5. Create a custom menu to help users navigate between language categories: Make navigation intuitive by adding language options to your menu.
  • Better organization than the one-post method: Each language has its own dedicated post, making it easier to manage.
  • Improved user experience: Visitors can easily find content in their preferred language, enhancing usability.
  • No plugins required: This method is still manageable without extra software, though it might require more setup time.
  • Manual management of translations: Requires individual handling of each language version, which can be labor-intensive.
  • Can become complex with many languages or posts: The more content you have, the more complicated it becomes to organize and update consistently.

3. Multiple Sites Method

This approach involves creating separate WordPress sites for each language.

  1. Create a new WordPress site for each language: Set up individual sites hosted separately or under a multisite network for each language.
  2. Use the same theme across all sites for consistency: Ensure visual uniformity by applying the same theme across all sites.
  3. Set the appropriate language for each site in Settings > General > Site Language: Configure language settings to match each site’s language.
  4. Create content for each site in its respective language: Manually add content specific to each language on the corresponding site.
  5. Use custom menus to link between your different language sites: Facilitate navigation between languages by linking sites through custom menus.
  • Clear separation of languages: Each language operates within its distinct site, preventing any cross-language confusion.
  • Full control over each language version: Allows tailored management and optimization for each language site independently.
  • Better for SEO: Dedicated language-specific URLs can improve search engine indexing and ranking for each language.
  • More complex to manage multiple sites: Requires more administrative effort and technical know-how.
  • Requires separate hosting or multisite setup: Potentially higher costs and more complex setup compared to single-site management.

4. Using WordPress Plugins

For a more robust solution, consider using multilingual plugins. Some popular options include:

  • WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin): A comprehensive and widely-used plugin that supports multiple languages and offers extensive features for translation and language management.
  • Polylang: A user-friendly and popular option that allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual website easily.
  • TranslatePress: A visual translation plugin that lets you translate your site directly from the front-end, simplifying the process.
  • Weglot: An all-in-one translation tool that automatically detects and translates content, providing a seamless multilingual experience.
  1. Choose and install a multilingual plugin: Select a plugin that suits your needs and begins the installation process through the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Configure the plugin settings and add your desired languages: Set up your language preferences within the plugin settings.
  3. Create or import translations for your content: Generate translations manually or import pre-existing translations to populate your site.
  4. Set up language switchers for your site: Add a language switcher to your site’s layout to allow users to toggle between languages effortlessly.
  • Comprehensive multilingual features: Plugins offer a full suite of tools to handle translations, language management, and more.
  • Easier management of translations: Streamlines the translation process, reducing manual work.
  • Better integration with WordPress: Designed specifically to work within WordPress, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation.
  • May require a paid subscription: Some plugins offer premium features that come with a cost.
  • Can impact site performance if not optimized properly: Improperly configured plugins can slow down your site, necessitating optimization efforts.

Best Practices for Multilingual WordPress Sites

  1. Use hreflang tags: Implement hreflang tags to help search engines understand the language and regional variants of your pages, improving international SEO.
  2. Optimize for multilingual SEO: Ensure unique, optimized content for each language to rank higher in search results and avoid duplicate content penalties.
  3. Maintain consistent design: Keep your site's design and structure consistent across all language versions to provide a seamless experience, enhancing usability and branding.
  4. Offer language switching options: Position language switchers prominently throughout your site to ensure easy access for users to change languages.
  5. Consider cultural differences: Tailor your content and design to respect cultural nuances, enhancing relatability and engagement for different markets.
  6. Use professional translations: Professional translation services guarantee accuracy, cultural appropriateness, and natural-sounding language, fostering trust and credibility.
  7. Keep content up-to-date: Regularly updating all language versions of your site ensures relevance, accuracy, and a consistently good user experience.


Creating a multilingual WordPress website opens up new opportunities for global reach and engagement. Whether you choose a simple manual approach or opt for a more advanced plugin solution, the key is to provide a seamless experience for users in their preferred language.

Remember that maintaining a multilingual site requires ongoing effort and attention to detail. Regular updates, consistent design, and culturally appropriate content will help ensure the success of your multi-language WordPress website.

For businesses looking to enhance their multilingual customer support, consider integrating a tool like Askly to provide real-time translation and multilingual chat support, further improving your global customer experience. By adopting the right strategy and practices, your multilingual website can become a powerful tool in connecting with a diverse, global audience and driving business growth.